Data Structure 4: Flows & Statuses

Flows & Statuses

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2H


Release Date: February 1, 2024

Ai & Web Automation Course Series

The objective of this lesson if to help you prepare your Data Entities in a way that you can follow-up on their lifecycle. This is especially useful when you are planning to enrich the initial Entity Attributes that you started with.

For this lesson we will use the example of the Spoga trade fair from where we had scrapped the exhibitors data with Fabian, as seen in our "Introduction & Opportunities" section. The objective is to Enrich the data and send a first Email cold outreach. We could name this Project/File like this: "Spoga Fair 2023 Exhibitors Cold B2B Initial Email Outreach". Here we are using a semantic rich title as advised in former lessons.

We will also apply the knowledge we gained in terms of Entities, Attributes and Exchange Formats. We will be using the CSV format and the Pipe sign "|" to separate our Entity's Attributes, in this case our Entity is "Exhibitor" for whom we have gathered initial contact info.

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