Data Structure 3: Exchange Formats

Exchange Formats

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2H


Release Date: February 1, 2024

Ai & Web Automation Course Series

Data Exchange Formats (CSV/JSON):

Once you have structured your data in a Tabular way and you start to create and acquire data, you need to think about how to store and then exchange that data between different systems. The most used data formats in automation are CSV and JSON.

Do not worry about this technicality as we have different tools and commands/functions to convert Data between CSV & JSON, here you just need to understand the common points, differences, and their pros & cons. 

The objective is to be able to discuss and plan how best to store, use, and exchange data over the different systems that you use in your business. We will use as a comparison context the data table below, to better illustrate the CSV & JSON comparison.

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