Data Structure 1: Entities & Attributes

Entities & Attributes

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2H


Release Date: February 1, 2024

Ai & Web Automation Course Series

Data Modeling Basics:

It is critical for non-developer people to understand at least the basics of Data Modeling. For our case we will cover a simplified version of Database Modeling which shall allow you to properly identify then map the data structure and relationships for your business.

There are 3 main elements in Data Modeling:

1. An Entity is a data table of one type of "Information", like for instance "Student" or "Subject" or "Enrollment". Each row represent one instance of that entity type.

2. An Attribute is the column/cell element where each column/cell will contain the attribute value for each row/Entity. For instance "Student Name" and "Email" can be attributes or column values of the Entity "Student".

2. A Relationship which is a cross-reference or a data connection between multiple Entities or tables. We will cover this in depth in the next lesson.

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