Data Structure 2: Entities Relationships

Entities Relationships

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2H


Release Date: February 1, 2024

Ai & Web Automation Course Series

Relationships Kinds:

There are 3 kinds of relationships that a pair of Entities can have:

One to One: This is a exclusive and monogamic relationship. A given unit of Car Plate can only be assigned to one given unit of Car. Likewise one given unit of Car can ONLY have one given unit of Car Plate.

One to Many: One of the Entities can have its units be related to many units of the second Entity. In an Insurance company scheme one given Generalist Doctor can be assigned to multiple Patients. But one given Patient cannot have more than one Generalist Doctor assigned.

Many to Many: Here the Units of a first Entity can have relations with many other units of the second Entity, and vice versa. One given Student can be related to multiple Subjects and one given Subject can also be related to multiple Students.

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